Our Church Community
Here for everyone
These groups are the basic building blocks of church life and express the diversity of God’s family. They differ in style, focus and pattern of meeting, however they all hold common values of building friendship, sharing the ups and downs of life, and helping, encouraging and strengthening one another as we practically outwork our faith every day.
If you have questions about any of our Church Groups then please contact us as detailed below and one of our team will be in touch.
Mothers’ Union
Our members are not all mothers, or even all women.
Our vision is of a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships. This is not a vague hope, but a goal we actively pursue by praying, campaigning and enabling. We aim to show our Christian faith by the transformation of communities worldwide. We can do this through supporting strong relationships within the family and promoting reconciliation at all levels.
We are inclusive and work with people of all faiths and none and want to encourage parents in their role to develop the faith of their children so that there is a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service. We promote conditions to help families maintain stability and help those who have met adversity.
Mother’s Union meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month in the Magdalene Room and we warmly welcome all newcomers.

Quest Bereavement Group
If you have recently lost someone you love and you would like to meet people who know what you’re going through, come along to our Quest Group. The group meets 3rd Thursday of the month at Claines Parish Hall, Cornmeadow Lane, for tea, cake, and a chat, as well as going out for lunches.
If you’d like to find out more call Tricia Greenwood on 01905 28580.

Cafe Church
Everyone is welcome at Cafe Church which is held on the second Sunday of every month in the Magdalene Room at 10.30am.
We aim to provide an inclusive and accepting space for everybody. Cafe Church is an informal service where there is discussion, creativity, prayer and contemporary worship led by the Worship Band. We value hospitality and there is toast, tea and coffee available throughout the service.
Cafe Church is held in the Magdalene Room so that we have the space for tables as well as chairs and play mats.
Here’s the format:
- Before we sit down, we help ourselves and each other to drinks and any breakfast food. The food and drink is available during the service
- The service is Lay led, readers and other members of the congregation
- The liturgy and words for the songs are usually projected onto a white screen
- The worship band often includes drums, electric guitars, flute and singers
- There are activities during the service for example, craft, learning movements to a song and, if we want to, we can share what we learn
- The service ends at about 11:20am
If you would like more information or to meet someone prior to a service, so you feel more comfortable on your first visit, please contact the Parish Office and they will arrange for someone to meet you.

Kingdom Arts
Kingdom Arts is for anyone who wants to explore faith through creativity.
At Kingdom Arts we explore faith using different materials: paint, clay, print, collage, fabrics, paper, thread, creative writing, music, dance, sign language and more. It sounds as though you need to be ‘arty’ but that’s not the case.
There is no charge but, if you are able, donations towards the costs are appreciated.
The Kingdom Arts Team