Celtic Communion

Everyone is welcome to join us at the evening Celtic Communion service which takes place on the evening of the 3rd Sunday of every month.

Blessing of Peace Sung at the Celtic Communion

May the peace of the Lord Jesus go with you, wherever He may take you. May He guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm. May He bring you home rejoicing in the wonders He has shown you. May He bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors

At the heart of Celtic spirituality is living the Christian faith in the everyday ordinariness of life –the pain and the pleasure, the heartaches and the hopes, the disappointment and the dreams. This is of great importance because this is essentially what spirituality is.

Service format

  • When we enter the church we are given a service sheet and other relevant sheets such as a song sheet
  • The chairs are arranged in an oval shape. You are welcome to sit anywhere in the church and most people choose to sit in the oval
  • At the start of the service a short time of silence is observed so that we can still our minds
  • When the service starts, one or more members of the congregation light three candles
  • The service is led by a vicar using Celtic music and Celtic themes. For example, one theme is that we don’t live the Christian journey alone; we are connected by our faith
  • The bread and wine are offered to the congregation. You do not need to accept the bread or wine. You can choose to have a blessing. Or, you can refrain from both the Eucharist and the blessing. When we offer the bread to the person next to us we say, “The Body of Christ, broken for you.” When we offer the wine to the person next to us we say, “The Blood of Christ, shed for you.” When we receive the bread and wine we say, “Amen.”
  • At the end of the service we make a commitment to go into the week ahead to live the Christian life